
New Portland Cascadia Now! Tumblr Blog


Cascadia Now! PDX Portland has a new Tumblr Blog at Pictures, news & info; stay up to date, get involved! Raising bioregional awareness in portland, puddletown, pedaltown, stumptown, bridge city, rose city, or whatever you want to call this place. Those interested in being involved in organizing efforts are also encouraged to join their Portland Chapter Email Alert System:  or by sending an email to This email system is a one way messaging system to alert you to upcoming Cascadia events and to receive monthly newsletters from Cascadia Now!

From the website: 

“...if we identify ourselves based on a sense of place in the world, connected to the life-sustaining system around us, it becomes our duty to implement necessary changes to increase and sustain the flourishing of non-human life around us. And when those changes are made, they will inherently increase the flourishing of human life. The policies and politics of this process are dense and should be discussed face to face, in living rooms, at community events, gatherings, convergences, conferences, and the halls of power, not on facebook. But our first step, as Cascadians aware of what lays ahead if we don’t step up, is to make sure everyone living in our bioregion understands that Cascadia is real, it exists, that they belong to it. That it will take all of us working together to make our bioregion the thriving community that it once was. The legends of streams so thick with salmon that you could walk across can again come true. Cascadia is home to the largest living things, we are a place of legends and our legends are not for sale at any price. Let us Free Cascadia and free ourselves to thrive again!”

Photo credit goes to Ewacky:

First Spokane Cascadia Now! Meetup this Friday, May 25th

Spokane will be having their first Cascadia Now! Meetup on Friday May 25th, 4pm at the Riverside Park by the Post Street Bridge.

The first gathering will be pretty informal and will mostly be getting acquainted with the other supporters for Cascadia and setting some short term goals.

More information and directions can be found on our Calendar events page our contact Patrick Adams directly at 

Photo credit belongs to Tony Grabenstein

University of Washington Cascadia Now! Chapter Formed

A University of Washington (UW) Cascadia Now! Chapter has been formed and meets each week on Tuesday at 3:30pm in the Upstairs of Allegro Cafe in the University District of Seattle, WA. More information can be found on our events page as well as directions for those who need it as well as at their website: .

Students from other schools, colleges and universities are more than welcome, as are anyone who can't make the regular Seattle meetings on Saturdays. The main focus thus far seems to be on networking and coalition building with other student groups, hosting events, creating lots of buttons, stickers and flyerings and helping raise awareness about the idea of Cascadia.

Olympia Cascadia Now! Chapter has their first meeting


Several of our members went down to Olympia on March 9th to talk with folks interested in getting a chapter started, culminating in their first public meeting at the Sem II Cafe on Evergreen Campus the following week on the 16th. Evergreen student Ian Carre-Burrit who is currently making a Cascadia documentary was able to get several interviews, and participants were able to talk about what they were interested in, as well as how to coordinate with other groups. Organizers set the date for the next meeting for the first Friday after Spring Break on April 6th at 6pm at Pizza Pipeline. More information and directions can be found at their website or on our Calendar page.