
Welcome Great Northwest Productions to the CascadiaNow! Family!

Welcome Great Northwest Productions to the CascadiaNow! Family!

We are pleased to announce that Music on the Mounds is now completely non-profit with 501c3 fiscal sponsorship through CascadiaNOW!  and as they move forward, they have become - Great Northwest Productions!

Olympia Cascadia Now! Chapter has their first meeting


Several of our members went down to Olympia on March 9th to talk with folks interested in getting a chapter started, culminating in their first public meeting at the Sem II Cafe on Evergreen Campus the following week on the 16th. Evergreen student Ian Carre-Burrit who is currently making a Cascadia documentary was able to get several interviews, and participants were able to talk about what they were interested in, as well as how to coordinate with other groups. Organizers set the date for the next meeting for the first Friday after Spring Break on April 6th at 6pm at Pizza Pipeline. More information and directions can be found at their website or on our Calendar page.