March for Science and Art Build on front page of Seattle Times

CascadiaNow! is excited to share that the Seattle March for Science, one of CN's newest fiscally sponsored projects, was featured on the front page of the Seattle Times along with a picture of Cascadia Arts Collective members Erin Fox, Alan Sato and Eric Lobdell at work on the Resistance Rover, taking place at the Cascadia HQ (under construction). 

Art builds have been taking place at the Cascadia Art space since February, with Cascadia Arts Collective members helping to build a life size, to scale Mars Rover, dubbed the 'Resistance Rover', and a mars themed backdrop. 

The March for Science is one of hundreds taking place across the United States, with several dozen happening across the Pacific Northwest and Cascadia bioregion. The Seattle March is the second largest only to the March on Washington DC, and will be this weekend on April 22nd, starting at 10am at Cal Anderson Park. If you live outside of Seattle, check your local listings and join as tens of thousands of Cascadians march for science.