Designed for Hope

Designed For Hope (DFH) is an interior design organization providing assistance to women at the crossroads of leaving homeless shelters, halfway houses, and transitional housing programs.  This project helps to alleviate some of the worries women who are moving into a new residence may have by creating a space that is more than just a home. DFH makes a place that is filled with things that women love and colors that they enjoy.

Designed for Hope offers completely free full-service delivery, installation, and staging of interior design items (furnishings, decor, art, bedding, kitchen supplies, toiletries, and food in the pantry) needed for a new, permanent home. Homeless women often leave shelters with literally only the clothes on their backs as they start a new chapter of their lives. Women fleeing violence and other forms of abuse are forced to give up homes, jobs, support systems, and more to escape traumatic situations. DFH’s goal is to create a space that is filled with items that women will love and in colors that they will enjoy, letting them know that humanity has not forgotten about them. DFH will create something beautiful and thus light a spark that will bring about the manifestation of hope that will help transform their lives.

Contact us to let us know if you would like to volunteer directly with this project. All gifts are tax deductible.