
2012 CNU Cascadia Regional Summit: Envisioning Resilient Communities March 15-17th in Seattle


CNU Cascadia invites you to our annual regional Summit - the premier venue for cross-disciplinary conversations that inform development, policy, and design of communities in the Pacific Northwest. This year our summit will explore the question “What does a sustainable, diverse, resilient community look like?” More information can be found on the Center for a New Urbanism website, on our events page or from the flyer below:

[gview file="http://www.cnu.org/sites/www.cnu.org/files/12cnucsummit-programsummaryposter-120225_0.pdf" height="600px" width="100%"]

From their website:

CNU Cascadia is a group of 100+ planning, urban design, public sector, real estate development, and architecture professionals. Reflecting our uniquely diverse bioregion of maritime coasts, river plains, mountain ranges, and high deserts, the CNU Cascadia promotes sustainable urbanism at all scales from the region to the neighborhood, down to the street, the block, and the building. By building walkable, diverse, mixed-use urban neighborhoods as alternatives to suburban sprawl, the CNU has always emphasized reduced energy consumption and healthier communities. CNU is at the forefront of addressing climate change through more sustainable urban development and the Chapter’s mission supports these efforts.