Cascadia Culture Week is coming up! How will you celebrate?

Welcome to Cascadia Culture Week May 13-21

Mark your calendars, Cascadia Culture week is getting close! Cascadia Culture week, or as we affectionately refer to it, CCW, takes place from May 13th- 21st. It is a regional event, where Cascadians celebrate our bioregional identity, our distinct regional values, our unique cultural traditions and beliefs, and our devotion to creating a sustainable and equitable community in which leadership is in the hands o the people ,and a strong community is our greatest asset. 

What will you do to celebrate?

Culture week is many things to many people. To some, it may be setting aside a night to cook a community meal made with all locally sourced, Cascadian ingredients. To others, it may be organizing a hike and going Squatch hunting with some friends in the Cascadian wilderness. Whether you are sitting down to watch a 'filmed in Cascadia' movie, attending a movie screening at a locally owned theater, or simply grabbing a cup of coffee with a friend from a locally owned coffee roastery- culture week centers around what makes YOU feel proud to be Cascadian.

If you are hosting an event or know of a cool one going on in your community and would like to invite/inform other Cascadians, fill out the form here on our CCW page and we will add it to our public CCW calendar!

And don't forget, Cascadia Day is May 18th! Need some extra Doug Flag stickers? Visit our store here.

Don't know where to begin?

Lucky for you, there are 9 days in CCW to celebrate how you see fit! However, if you need some guidance, we have laid out a 'suggested' calendar to give you some ideas of how you can celebrate Cascadia! Visit our Cascadia Culture Week page [LINK] to see our suggested calendar, read up on some how to's for organizing and planning events, and a more in depth description of what culture week is all about. We also include some info of simple things you can do as an individual each day to raise awareness of Cascadia and show your pride!

Plug in!

At CN!,  we will be live-streaming photos from Cascadia Culture Week celebrations all week long! Be sure to take some pics of your celebration, and tag @cascadianow #CascadiaCW #cascadianow or email them to show us how you chose to celebrate your bioregional pride! We look forward to celebrating with all of our fellow Cascadians- from Northern California to Vancouver BC- and committing to a 2017 filled with engaged, active, energized communities ready to move our Cascadian social movement to the next level!