Recent Events Recap and Pictures!

Hi all!

Basecamp occurred at the beginning of August, and was a great success. Three of our chapter members, Marty, Erin and Alan, took the CascadiaNow bus down to Basecamp in Pe Ell, WA! The weekend was full of of direct action workshops, presentations, discussions on dismantling the fossil fuel empire. Our members gave  the inaugural presentation of our new workshop: Cascadia - Change Through Bioregionalism to an eager crowd of Climate Activists while there!

Our Seattle chapter tabled at the 350 Benefit Concert on Aug. 13! This event supported the Children's Trust Fund which is a movement of empowered
teenagers suing the US Government for their legal right to a stable
climate and a healthy atmosphere for all present and future
generations. The night was fulled with music, fun, and dance.

If you are thinking of attended Hempfest in Seattle this weekend, come find us! At this large scale event we will hosting a tabling booth, where you can come buy merch, get stickers, and learn about hemp and bioregionalism. We will be tabling all three days, the 18th-20th. See you there!

We hope everyone is having a great August, and encourage you to read up on two upcoming events, the 4th Annual Acoustic Festival in Seattle and our Planning Camp-out for next year's convergence, at the Mount Rainier Ranch!