Kindle Cascadia 2013 is here! December 18th-22nd in Dexter, Oregon

Kindle Cascadia! is a bioregional gathering focused on evolving culture through the practical use of primitive skills and indefinitely sustainable lifeways.  They are part of the emerging movement reclaiming and co-creating place based village with primitive skills, permaculture, nature awareness, and rites of passage at its core.

Some people come to share, others come to learn, and in some way everyone comes to do both.  There is no minimum or maximum skill level.  Join in!  It is the mix of everyone’s gifts, skills, and innate talents that makes this event wonderful.

We invite you to look through our website and e-mail any questions not answered here.  If you would like to join us for the gathering, sign up soon!  Space is really limited, and there is an early bird price if paid by November 18th.  

More information at: or register at